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Design of Smart Power Grid Renewable Energy Systems: Modeling, Optimization, and Control


The revised third edition of Design of Smart Power Grid Renewable Energy Systems integrates three areas of electrical engineering: power systems, power electronics, and electric energy conversion systems. The book also addresses the fundamental design of wind and photovoltaic (PV) energy microgrids as part of smart-bulk power-grid systems.

In order to demystify the complexity of the integrated approach, the author first presents the basic concepts, and then explores a simulation test bed in MATLAB in order to use these concepts to solve a basic problem in the development of smart grid energy system. Each chapter offers a problem of integration and describes why it is important. Then the mathematical model of the problem is formulated, and the solution steps are outlined. This step is followed by developing a MATLAB simulation test bed. This important book:

design of smart power grid renewable energy systems

Written for undergraduate and graduate students in electric power systems engineering, researchers, and industry professionals, the revised third edition of Design of Smart Power Grid Renewable Energy Systems is a guide to the fundamental concepts of power grid integration on microgrids of green energy sources.

A grid-connected system allows you to power your home or small business with renewable energy during those periods (daily as well as seasonally) when the sun is shining, the water is running, or the wind is blowing. Any excess electricity you produce is fed back into the grid. When renewable resources are unavailable, electricity from the grid supplies your needs, eliminating the expense of electricity storage devices like batteries.

In addition, power providers (i.e., electric utilities) in most states allow net metering, an arrangement where the excess electricity generated by grid-connected renewable energy systems "turns back" your electricity meter as it is fed back into the grid. If you use more electricity than your system feeds into the grid during a given month, you pay your power provider only for the difference between what you used and what you produced.

Aside from the major small renewable energy system components, you will need to purchase some additional equipment (called "balance-of-system") in order to safely transmit electricity to your loads and comply with your power provider's grid-connection requirements. You may need the following items:

Because grid-connection requirements vary, you or your system supplier/installer should contact your power provider to learn about its specific grid-connection requirements before purchasing any part of your renewable energy system. See our page on balance-of-system equipment requirements for small renewable energy systems.

You will need to contact your power provider directly to learn about its specific requirements. If your power provider does not have an individual assigned to deal with grid-connection requests, try contacting your state utilities commission, state utility consumer advocate group (represents the interests of consumers before state and federal regulators and in the courts), state consumer representation office, or state energy office.

Power providers want to be sure that your system includes safety and power quality components. These components include switches to disconnect your system from the grid in the event of a power surge or power failure (so repairmen are not electrocuted) and power conditioning equipment to ensure that your power exactly matches the voltage and frequency of the electricity flowing through the grid.

In an attempt to address safety and power quality issues, several organizations are developing national guidelines for equipment manufacture, operation, and installation (your supplier/installer, a local renewable energy organization, or your power provider will know which of the standards apply to your situation, and how to implement them):

When connecting your small renewable energy system to the grid, you will probably need to sign an interconnection agreement with your power provider. In your agreement, power providers may require you to do the following:

In addition to insurance and fees, you may find that your power provider requires a great deal of paperwork before you can move ahead with your system. However, power providers in several states are now moving to streamline the contracting process by simplifying agreements, establishing time limits for processing paper work, and appointing representatives to handle grid-connection inquiries.

With a grid-connected system, when your renewable energy system generates more electricity than you can use at that moment, the electricity goes onto the electric grid for your utility to use elsewhere. The Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 (PURPA) requires power providers to purchase excess power from grid-connected small renewable energy systems at a rate equal to what it costs the power provider to produce the power itself. Power providers generally implement this requirement through various metering arrangements. Here are the metering arrangements you are likely to encounter:

In short, the digital technology that allows for two-way communication between the utility and its customers, and the sensing along the transmission lines is what makes the grid smart. Like the Internet, the Smart Grid will consist of controls, computers, automation, and new technologies and equipment working together, but in this case, these technologies will work with the electrical grid to respond digitally to our quickly changing electric demand.

  • The Smart Grid represents an unprecedented opportunity to move the energy industry into a new era of reliability, availability, and efficiency that will contribute to our economic and environmental health. During the transition period, it will be critical to carry out testing, technology improvements, consumer education, development of standards and regulations, and information sharing between projects to ensure that the benefits we envision from the Smart Grid become a reality. The benefits associated with the Smart Grid include: More efficient transmission of electricity

  • Quicker restoration of electricity after power disturbances

  • Reduced operations and management costs for utilities, and ultimately lower power costs for consumers

  • Reduced peak demand, which will also help lower electricity rates

  • Increased integration of large-scale renewable energy systems

  • Better integration of customer-owner power generation systems, including renewable energy systems

  • Improved security

The Smart Grid is not just about utilities and technologies; it is about giving you the information and tools you need to make choices about your energy use. If you already manage activities such as personal banking from your home computer, imagine managing your electricity in a similar way. A smarter grid will enable an unprecedented level of consumer participation. For example, you will no longer have to wait for your monthly statement to know how much electricity you use. With a smarter grid, you can have a clear and timely picture of it. "Smart meters," and other mechanisms, will allow you to see how much electricity you use, when you use it, and its cost. Combined with real-time pricing, this will allow you to save money by using less power when electricity is most expensive. While the potential benefits of the Smart Grid are usually discussed in terms of economics, national security, and renewable energy goals, the Smart Grid has the potential to help you save money by helping you to manage your electricity use and choose the best times to purchase electricity. And you can save even more by generating your own power.

Traditional power systems use enormous power producing units that are geographically scattered to produce the majority of power, which is then routed to large consumption centres as well as distributed to various clients. This composition has begun to shift toward new scenarios in which DG units are scattered across distribution networks [1]. Wind turbines, photovoltaics, fuel cells, biomass, tiny hydro-plants, and other renewable resources are used in these DGs [2]. Through quick and efficient PEs converters and sustainable are linked to the smart grid (SG) for the advanced data collection infrastructure [3]. Plug-in HEVs (PHEVs) have been offered as a possible alternative because the charging efficiency of CS mode is primarily dependent on regenerative braking and gasoline. Unlike HEVs, PHEVs can also be charged externally using power outlets [4]. The majority of power in a PHEV comes from an EM, which serves as the primary source of power, with ICE serving as a backup. When battery SOC reaches a certain level, the PHEV switches to a standard HEV mode, and ICE becomes the primary power source. PHEVs have extended all-electric range, better local air quality as well as ability to connect to the grid [5]. The efficient performance of EVs depends on perfect synchronisation between ESs as well as power electronic converters. The primary picture of an EV in Figure 1 helps to understand the application as well as the interfacing of ESs and power electronic converters in EVs.

The above Table 6 shows comparative analysis based on constant acceleration and time-varying acceleration cases. Here the parameters compared are battery current, ultra-capacitor current, charging voltage, DC load current, and battery SOC. All the parameters have been analysed based on hybrid design in control systems enhancing the energy efficiency of electronic converters for power electronics.

Integrating renewable and distributed energy resources, such as photovoltaics (PV) and energy storage devices, into the electric distribution system requires advanced power electronics, or smart inverters, that can provide grid services such as voltage and frequency regulation, ride-through, dynamic current injection, and anti-islanding functionality. To enable this integration, NREL is designing novel wide-bandgap smart inverters, developing robust control algorithms for better inverter functionality, determining interactions between multiple smart inverters and between inverters and utility distribution systems, supporting standards development for smart inverter functionalities, and analyzing the impacts of smart inverters on distribution systems. 2ff7e9595c

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