How can I use the mods in my men of war assault squad 2 crack version? There's always a "not SDL file" or "unexpected token" error. It's the file, already changed the version but still to no avail. Please help. I just want my nephew to enjoy the game editor.
men of war assault squad 2 red rising
At 33 years old, Darrow is considered to be one of the best razor fighters, being the last master of the Willow Way. According to Pierce Brown, Darrow at 33 years old against Aja (who was in her 50's-60's in Morning Star) would end up with both of them dead. Against a weakened and older Lorn, Darrow might win, especially in zero gravity as he is better than Lorn in that gravity. Furthermore, Darrow's skill at this age allowed him to defeat a squad of Solar Republic Wardens with nothing but his razor and civilian clothing.
Seeking to defy the Proctors, Darrow and Mustang amassed an army by recruiting slaves that fled and hid from their respective Houses. Led by Darrow, they captured and freed a number of other students. Among them was Tactus au Valii-Rath, an arrogant and power hungry Gold. Ultimately, Tactus submitted to Darrow's leadership when Darrow shared physical punishment with him after he sexually assaulted a girl in the army. During this time, he gained the nickname of the Reaper for carrying a scythe (known as a slingBlade by Reds) as his weapon and for conquering numerous Houses.
Angered by the corruption of the Proctors, Darrow and his army assaulted Mount Olympus, the floating fortress of the Proctors. Despite successfully taking the fortress, they were unable to capture the Jackal. Mustang then decided to pursue him with a portion of their army. Darrow let her do so but discovered Mustang was actually the Jackal's twin sister. He also learned that Fitchner was Sevro's father and had the Proctor detained in his room instead of being humiliated like his colleagues.
Darrow and Augustus left Luna with the rest of their allies . However, Tactus betrayed them, taking Lysander back to the Sovereign. At the same time, Quinn, a Howler and Roque's lover, was fatally wounded in the escape by one of the Sovereign's Furies, Aja au Grimmus. Darrow and Sevro then assaulted a large space vessel, taking the bridge to command the rest of the ship. When they were almost overwhelmed by hostile forces, they were saved. The Stained known as Ragnar Volarus singlehandedly defeated the Golds assaulting the bridge, pledging his service to Darrow for conquering the ship and all on it. Darrow then renamed the ship, calling it the Pax after Pax au Telemanus. He also annointed Orion xe Aquarii, a Blue, as captain of the Pax, telling her to bypass the Sovereign's blockade.
Landing in a drop pod, Darrow led a small force in the ground assault on Agea, Mars' capital city. With the help of contacts within the Sons of Ares, they were able to infiltrate the city through a weakened water grate. Pursuing the Sovereign herself, they were foiled when an EMP blast disabled their armor. Because of this, many from the strike force were drowned in the water channel or killed by enemy forces. Fortunately, Darrow was able to free himself and Ragnar. Together, they were able to save their remaining comrades and successfully mount a counter attack. Darrow then divided his forces into two groups: the Obsidians (led by Ragnar) who would open the gates of Agea and the Howlers who would help him find Octavia.
Darrow then went into his old house, seeing his mother for the first time in three years. She recognized him immediately, leading to a heartfelt reunion between the two. Darrow then proceeded to tell her about his activities among the Golds, revealing the truth about their slavery underground and his fight for Eo's dream. His mother then voiced her dislike for Eo as Darrow's wife, seeing her combative nature as potentially dangerous for her son. She also informed him that Narol had died and that both of his siblings had started families, surprising Darrow. When one of his nieces woke from her sleep, Darrow left while his mother made a prayer for his peace alongside the little girl.
Darrow was then forced to confront Mustang in a mining tunnel. In disbelief about his true Color, she held him at gunpoint. Ragnar intervened, threatening to kill Mustang if she assaulted Darrow. Mustang then insulted Ragnar, challenging him to combat. Instead, Ragnar knelt down beside Darrow, having decided to live for more in freedom. Emboldened by Ragnar's support, Darrow then proceeded to ask Mustang what she lived for. Stunned by this display, Mustang fled Lykos and left Darrow.
Despite capturing Cassius in their ambush, they realized that Aja was more lethal than they originally imagined. Dueling her, Ragnar was heavily wounded despite his continued assault. Darrow was too late to save his friend, watching as Ragnar was disemboweled by his opponent. They were saved by the timely intervention of the Valkyrie led by Sefi the Quiet, Ragnar's sister. Having fended off Aja, Sefi was reunited with her brother. Exchanging a heartfelt farewell with his sister, Ragnar rejected the Obsidian rite of dying gripping a weapon. Instead, he gathered snow in both hands as Darrow pierced his heart with his razor, ending his pain. Travelling with Sefi to the fortress of her tribe, Darrow and his allies were captured by Ragnar's mother, Alia Snowsparrow.
The Rising and the Sword Armada met in armed conflict in space with Orion leading the battle with Darrow aboard the Pax. Initially, it seemed as though Darrow had made a grave mistake, charging after Roque into the Sword Armada's battle formation. As the crew of the Pax abandoned ship, they prepared their surprise for the Society. Roque, aboard the Colossus, had begun engaging the Pax at a close range. This left his ship vulnerable to highly modified clawDrills hidden within the bowels of the Pax. Drilling through their own ship, Helldivers led by Darrow breached the hull of the Colossus to begin the real assault on Roque's vessel.
With the Sword Armada beaten, the Rising chose to take the fight to Octavia herself. Preparing for an assault on Luna, Darrow and Mustang devised a plot to end the war with the help of Sevro and Mickey. Seeking information, they turned to a captured Antonia and Thistle, an ex-Howler. Receiving an ultimatum that whoever gave the Rising intel would be spared, Antonia used the situation to her advantage and murdered Thistle. Angered by her sister's brutality and selfishness, Victra entered Antonia's cell and shattered her face. Going through Thistle's belongings, the Howlers discovered her old wolf skin and mourned her despite her betrayal.
The Howlers journeyed to Earth, seeking to infiltrate the underwater prison known as Deepgrave. Successfully bypassing the prison's defenses, they attempted to extract a prisoner who could grant them the resources needed to assault the Ash Lord's fortress on Venus. Entering the prisoner's cell, they encountered an Obsidian they decided to call Tongueless (whose tongue was cut out) who helped them threaten the warden of Deepgrave. The warden revealed the location of the prisoner, allowing Darrow and the Howlers to free him: Apollonius au Valii-Rath, the Minotaur of Mars and Tactus' older brother. Tricking the Apollonius, the Howlers complete their mission by extracting him and decide to bring Tongueless with them.
Beginning their attack, Darrow led the Howlers in infiltrating the Ash Lord's island stronghold while Apollonius struck with a full frontal assault. Despite the distraction, the Howlers were almost overwhelmed by the Ash Lord's soldiers. They were saved by Apollonius, who had broken through the defenses at the beachhead. Confronting Magnus himself, they discovered that their foe was a sickly old man confined to his bed.
Later, Darrow meets with Nero's council and establishes that they must obtain more ships in order to defeat the Sovereign. Pliny believes their plans are fruitless and the only way to survive is to run to the farthest reaches of the solar system. Darrow believes he can convince his mentor Lorn to join the fight. He meets with Lorn who refuses to join Darrow, as he says he is now a man of peace and cares only for the safety of his family. Lorn then reveals that the Sovereign arrived before Darrow and provides him with a means of escape. However, Darrow was aware of the Sovereign's plans, telling Lorn that Roque has a host of ships lying in wait. Lorn is then forced to join Darrow as Aja and Tactus arrive with a squad of Praetorians. Darrow injured Aja and killed her team, Aja and Tactus escape. attempting to carry out the Sovereign's orders to kill Lorn's family. Darrow and Lorn pursue him and Darrow appeals to Tactus's trust in Darrow and need for Darrow's approval. After admitting he wants to come back and join him, Tactus lowers his weapon and embraces Darrow, but is killed by Lorn for threatening his family.
Later, Darrow learns from Mustang that his efforts were not in vain. Roque and his fleet have defeated the Bellonas and the Sovereign, but Cassius and his mother escaped. The Augustus family has taken back Mars and Augustus plans to name Darrow his heir. Harmony has gone rogue, forming her own band of rebels against the Society. She is captured by the Jackal along with Mickey and other Sons. Darrow visits Victra and the Jackal, presenting them each with a gift. Before The Jackal sees his, a squad of Sevro's men, in disguise, storm the Jackal's lair and free the prisoners from The Jackal's grasp. Darrow, now weary of war, and realizing Mustang must know his secret if she is ever to fully trust him, returns home to Lykos. Mustang joins Darrow on his trip and he leads her to his home. He gives her a holotape (a recording of his "carving" into a Gold) and asks for her to watch the tape, and if she understands, to enter his home. After a heartfelt reunion with his mother, Darrow finds that Mustang has disappeared. He ultimately encounters her in a mining tunnel where Mustang angrily confronts him. She is prepared to kill him, but Ragnar intercedes, expressing his deep trust for Darrow and the freedom and purpose Darrow has given him, and Mustang leaves them kneeling in the dust. 2ff7e9595c